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Shut Up & Dance
August 016
Shut Up & Dance
@ Crystallin Compilation 2
Juli 2016
Maly Macht Musik
CD Out Now
New Music Project by Conni Maly aka Lava 303
August 2015
June 2015
Save The Vjosa
Lava 303 feat. The Blue Heart of Europe,
Soundcloud, Dez 2014
Lava 303 & Member
Live Video Collection, You Tube
Save the Vjosa
(Video, You Tube,
Lava 303 feat. Blue Heart of Europe
Lover 303 "Chill Out" EP
Groovy Chill & Lounge Music
with Mani Neumeier, Member and Conni/Lava 303
Playground Productions
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Lava 303 "Songs"
Songs and Song-alike Productions
Collection 2006-2013
New Lover 303 Videos
Lava 303 with
Mani Neumeier/Guru Guru /Drums
Member /BassOrgan
filmed on island of La Gomera
My Mother in Space
Taxidrive up to Rugova /Kosovo
Neues System (Protest Song)
Blockupy Documentary
My New Musicians Homepage
Conni Maly
New Lover 303 Album
Alien Revolution"
Here Fotos
Here Film
Lava 303 Compilation

Goddess Rules Remix Compilation

Goddess Rules Remix Compilation
Digital Release by Geomagnetic
Something Special!!!
Lava 303 Bandprojekt
More Music:
Lava303 CDs & RMX Compilations
Playground Label Cooperation
Crystallin Music
Progressive,Psychedelic Trance, Chill
about Goddess Rules Album 2011
If there was ever an acquired taste, it's definitely the music of Lava 303, the solo project of Conni Maly who is probably better known as the guitarist of The Slags, one of the first and foremost German all-female rock bands. It goes without saying that Ms Maly is an extraordinary guitarist, and I credit her strongly for not burdening the world with yet another insipid singer/songwriter album. Instead she uses a Roland MC-303 groovebox and a Korg Electribe sequencer to flesh out her compositions.
Her label has already decided that The Goddess Rules is a milestone of acid rock'n'roll, but the very dominant electronic instruments add strong techno and trance elements that at first seem extremely change with their contrasting sound, but once you get the hang of it, it actually all makes sense. Lava 303 combines the druggy subcultures of rock and electro into something rather unique, although she is not the first to experiment in this territory. Hawkwind and Ozric Tentacles have tried likewise mergers, and it goes without saying that Lava 303 can be counted successfully among their ranks.
The thirteen songs are all between four and seven minutes long, always take their time to build a hypnotic effect. Conni Maly's rather monotonous vocals help to emphasise the trippy nature of the music. Add to this her sometimes weird feminist/political lyrics, and you are in the presence of one of the most idiosyncratic albums you will have heard in a long time. There is even a remix of an early Nineties song (Destination Moon) from The Slags where the real instrumentation adds an even more rocking touch. The Goddess Rules is maybe a little too long to keep your undivided attention throughout, but at least it's different from 99% of the music we normally come across. Lava 303 has created a truly original work that should be checked out by everyone who likes their music full of strange vibes.